Sho't Left Travel Week Webinar is back! Register Now!

Partner News

South African Tourism invites partners to join their #TravelWeek2024 Webinar to learn how to elevate their businesses this year. The organisation has assembled a panel of experts, each specialising in different marketing platforms, to guide participants in boosting bookings and reaching potential audiences more effectively. This initiative is one of the many ways South African Tourism is adding value for their participating partners.


The experts will serve as guides, helping attendees discover new methods to reach their potential audience and make the best use of their Sho't Left Travel Week Toolkit.


Webinar details:

Date: 4 July 2024

Time: 10:00 - 11:30

Register here!


The panel of experts includes:


  • Mashoto Mokgethi, SA Hub Head, SA Tourism
  • Melanie Leloup, Trade Relations Manager, SA Tourism
  • Portia Pearl Siyanda Sifolo (DBA, MBL, PGCHE, B-Tech Tourism)
  • Representatives from Aleph/Bytedance for TikTok, Spotify, SnapChat and X
  • Vongani Sambo, Regional Insights Specialist at SA Tourism
  • Additional speakers to be announced


The panel discussion aims to help participants build their community and find their voice. It will cover developing a social media marketing strategy to aid consumer discovery of businesses, partner platform updates, digitalisation advancement, best practices, and maximising available tools.


South African Tourism is committed to guiding partners through their participation in #TravelWeek2024 to ensure they derive maximum benefit. Interested parties are encouraged to register for the webinar.


Partners are reminded that registration on the Partner Platform is necessary to participate in Sho't Left Marketing campaigns, including Travel Week. Those already registered can proceed to prepare their deals for Travel Week. Partners are encouraged to upload deals offering up to 50% off, selecting dates that suit their business whilst providing flexibility for customers. It is noted that higher discounts tend to attract more bookings.